
Senin, 10 Agustus 2015

Read Tessa Bailey Book: Make Me (Broke and Beautiful #3) [New Adult Book]

Make Me
          (Broke and Beautiful #3) Construction worker Russell Hart has been head-over-work boots for Abby Sullivan since the moment he laid eyes on her. But he knows a classy, uptown virgin like her could never be truly happy with a rough, blue-collar guy like him. If only she'd stop treating him like her personal hero—a role he craves more than oxygen—maybe he could accept it.With the future of her family...
Title : Make Me (Broke and Beautiful #3)
Author : Tessa Bailey
Format : ebook - 192 pages
Genres : New Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Contemporary Romance
ISBN : 0062369091


Ⓢ≈ Make Me (Broke and Beautiful #3) [Tessa Bailey], [Tessa Bailey] @ Make Me (Broke and Beautiful #3), Read Tessa Bailey Book: Make Me (Broke and Beautiful #3) [New Adult Book], New Adult Book ∥∸○ Make Me (Broke and Beautiful #3) [Tessa Bailey], Read New Adult Book ⇒⇋∵ Make Me (Broke and Beautiful #3) by Tessa Bailey,

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